If you have been tracking your equipment and serial numbers in a spreadsheet, this is likely all we need to get your upload into good shape.
At minimum we require:
Item Name (e.g. OVAL POWER 2500 TRIPLE Carabiner)
Serial Number (unique identifier)
Product Category (e.g. Carabiners / Connectors. This is a fallback if the product is not known in our database and may not always be necessary)
Each item of equipment must be on its own row.
Each data point (part number, serial number, date of manufacturer) must be in it’s own cell. For example, please do not combine product and manufacturer together in the same cell.
If you have further details about your equipment that you would like to include, we can also import:
Alternative ID
Part Number
Date of First Use
Date of Manufacture
Batch Number
Purchase Order
Last Inspection Date
Expiry Date
Next Inspection Date
Previous Inspection Notes (last inspection notes only)
Team Member
Staff Member
If the item belongs to a Group (Kit Bag, Location, Vehicle, Client, Staff, or Equipment Type)
If you don't have this information, that's ok—starting simple is absolutely fine!
Our system will fill out additional information from our equipment database.
Below are some example spreadsheets showing the types of data we typically work with:
If you would like us to provide you with an inventory spreadsheet template, please request this from [email protected]