Only members of an account who have been marked as a Competent Person can access the Thorough Examinations feature in the Inspections screen
To record a Thorough Examination using the web-based app:
Head to the Inspections area and select the Thorough Examinations (TE) tab
Click on ‘+ Create Thorough Examination’
Enter your Thorough Examination job number and the date of the examination, and click ‘Create’
Record the Inspection Results against the items of equipment you are performing the Thorough Examination for. Be sure to use the relevant Thorough Examination Job Number in the Thorough Examination Job Reference field, and enter the Safe Working Load Limit
Populate the rest of the inspection fields, and click ‘Complete X Inspections’
Head back to the Inspections area and select the Thorough Examinations (TE) tab
Click on the Job Reference name, eg ‘Demo TE Job’
Click on ‘+ Update Thorough Examination’ and complete the Date of Issue, update or enter the declaration, select the addresses, and click ‘Update’
Your Thorough Examination has been completed. You can now download the Certificate of Thorough Examination by clicking on ‘Download PDF’
💡 To set the inspector declaration and signature of competent person, click on the profile dropdown in the upper right hand corner of the web-app, and select ‘Profile’
To record a Thorough Examination using the mobile app:
Thorough Examination results can be recorded on the mobile app, however you will need to create the job number and complete the TE using steps 1-3 and 7-9 above.
You will need to create a job number using the Scannable web-based app. See steps 1-3 above
Record the Inspection Results against the items of equipment you are performing the Thorough Examination for. Be sure to use the relevant Thorough Examination Job Number in the Thorough Examination Job Reference field, and enter the Safe Working Load Limit
Populate the rest of the inspection fields, and complete the inspections
Follow steps 7-9 above to complete the Thorough Examination and download the Certificate of Thorough Examination