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Learn how to assign roles, and the permissions for each role.

Updated over 3 months ago

Roles is a Scannable Pro feature

💡 You must use Scannable’s Web-Based app to assign roles

Roles are assigned when inviting people to your team.


A manager has full permissions to complete all actions in Scannable, invite people to their organisation’s team, assign roles, and deem the user a competent person


A member cannot add team members nor delete items from their organisations inventory, but can complete all other actions in Scannable


A user can view and update their profile, access specific inventory assigned to them, and record inspection results

To change a role:

💡 Managers can change a member’s role at any time.

  1. Ensure you have Manager permissions

  2. In the ‘Team’ menu, select the ‘Members’ tab

  3. Select the team member who’s role you want to edit

  4. Click the dropdown menu under the ‘Team Member’s Role’ heading, and click on the ‘Update’ button

What permissions do the different Roles have?


  • Can update their name, password, email etc

  • Can view and accept invites sent to them

  • Can view inventory assigned to them

  • Can add or remove NFC from inventory

  • Can apply filters to inventory list

  • Can perform a general inspection

  • Can view and perform actions in multi-scan

  • Can download inventory reports

  • Can view all groups, but only the items that are assigned to them in those groups are visible


  • Can do all of what a User can do, and

  • Can view the Organisation details

  • Can view the Organisation stats

  • Can view all team members in the Organisation

  • Can view a team, its members and all team inventory

  • Can search by part or serial number

  • Can view all products and variants

  • Can view product variations; and load and create serials

  • Can add items to inventory

  • Can update an item’s info e.g. serial number

  • Can add and remove items in Groups

  • Can view all organisation inspections and inspection frequencies

  • Can view all Thorough Examinations

  • Can download Thorough Examination PDF report

  • Create checklists and use the check off feature


  • Has full access to all features and full control over the Organisation and its team member profiles. Can do all of what a Member can do, and

  • Can set signature and inspector declaration

  • Can edit Organisation name and address

  • Can make billing changes

  • Can invite new team

  • Can update a team member’s role or Competent Person status

  • Can remove a team member from the organisation

  • Can revoke Invites

  • Can create, edit and delete teams

  • Can add a team member to a team

  • Can create products and variants, and update their data fields

  • Can move a variant to another product

  • Can create, edit and record Thorough Examinations

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