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Inventory Management
Learn how to manage your PPE and other inventory in Scannable
10 articles
GroupsLearn how to assign equipment to team members, kit bags, locations, vehicles and more
Creating a GroupLearn how to create groups
Assign to Groups and Team MembersLearn how to assign equipment to Groups and Team Members
Sharing a groupLearn how to share your group and its information
Remove items from your InventoryLearn how to remove an item from your inventory
Multi-ScanMulti-scan lets you scan multiple items of equipment using the camera and NFC, creating a list of items that you can then process in bulk
Using Inventory FiltersLearn how to filter your inventory and find items that meet a certain criteria
Push NotificationsLearn how to set up push notifications for items that are due for inspection or have an expiry date in the next 30 days
Editing an item’s informationLearn how to edit an item's serial number, date of manufacture, end of life date and other information
Changing an item’s SKUDid you add the wrong product to your inventory? Change the SKU to change the item's name but keep its serial number and other information